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How to set up Visited Properties for my team?

A quick guide on the Visited Property tab

Note: You need an Onside Teams subscription to get this functionality 

The Visited Properties tab is where you're going to find, add, delete, and maintain the properties your team visit.

By adding your properties to the Visited Properties list, your team will be able to check-in to them when they visit, even if the property owner or manager doesn't use Onside. The contact person will also receive check-in notifications via email or text message when your staff visit.

To find out more, check out this video or follow the guide below.

Adding properties

After clicking the green 'Add property' button to the top right of the page, you'll see a screen like the one below.

Add visited property

  • Property contact info - This is who you would like to receive notifications when your staff check-in to the property. If you provide a phone number, they would receive a txt message.
  • About the property - Give the property a name your staff will recognize, as well property type and the address
  • Set Boundary - Draw the boundary for the property. if you're in New Zealand, you can also select 'Use LINZ title' and click where the boundary is for the LINZ title.
  • Photo - As your staff check-in to properties, it will start to create their 'Recent' list. In this list they can more quickly identify the property by the image you've provided.

Two property types

When you start adding properties to this page, you may notice some will show as claimed and others unclaimed. This is because there are two types of property in this list, and for each type what you're able to do is a bit different:

  • Claimed Properties - Shown as:
    • These properties are claimed by other Onside users, so they manage them 
    • You can't edit these
    • Property contact is the user who manages the property in Onside
    • Company contact is the person you've set as the contact to receive text or email notifications when your staff check-in
  • Unclaimed Properties - Shown as:
    • Properties you can manage, just for your team 
    • You can edit these and add risks, emergency info, jobs, and property rules by clicking on the 3 dot option to the right of the contact and selecting Manage Property.
    • Property contact will not show if the property is unclaimed

Property Contacts and Company Contacts

Property contacts only show for properties which have been claimed. The person listed is managing the property in Onside.
Company contacts are your point of contact for that property and where your staff check-in sms or emails go to when a property has not been claimed.

To change the company contact, select the property or properties you'd like to change the contact for, then click the 'Edit Contact' button.

Edit visited property contact-3

Unclaimed properties

If the property is Unclaimed, you'll be able to add risks, the emergency plan, jobs, questions, and check-in rules. If the property owner claims it later on, everything you have added to the property, including risks, will transfer. Select Manage Property from the 3 dot option to the right of the contact.

Visted properties menu 2-1

Delete a property

Properties can be easily removed by simply selecting the property and then clicking the delete button. Alternatively, you can delete properties from the 3 dot menu to the right of the contact.


If you have any questions, give us a call on 0800 ONSIDE or email Support@onside.co. Click on the links below to navigate to the other tab's help guides.


How do I use Onside Teams?

Onside Teams - Managing your team

Onside Teams - Team Locator

Onside Teams - Reporting