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  2. Managing your company in Onside

What Onside access should I give my staff?

A quick guide to the different user types and notifications in Onside

In Onside we have different user types, each with their own specific functionality, access, and notifications.
If you'd like a visual guide to the notifications each type receive, click here.
Otherwise, take a look below to find out about each type in more detail.

Property Admins

Property Admins get risk and incident notifications and emails, End of day notifications (if enabled), Check-in question alerts (if enabled) as well as optional visitor check-in/out alerts. They also have access to the property in the web portal to make changes, review risks and incidents, and generate reports.

Property teams settings

Property team member

If you add staff to your property team, but don’t make them an admin, they'll only get property notifications if they're checked in to the property when visitors check-in/out or report risks/incidents.
The properties they're part of will also show in their 'My Properties' list in the app and they will have access to the property's visitor list and risk map without having to check-in to the property.

To set up your property team, try this guide.

Property contacts

Visitors signing into your property using the Onside app will have access to the property contact's phone number so they can be called if need be. They are also the contact person when they give unwanted answers to Check-in Questions.

Property team - contact (1)

Setting a property contact is done by clicking the 3-dot button at the right of their notification column on your property's 'Teams' page and selecting 'Set as property contact'.

Staff must have accepted their Onside invite to be set as a property contact

Team Leaders

Team Leaders need an Onside Teams subscription. They manage staff going out to properties and get their overdue alerts and escalation calls when the staff they're responsible for don't respond, as well as notifications when their staff report risks and incidents.
They also have access to a list of properties that their company visit (Visited properties), reporting, and the Team Locator dashboard.

Property teams - Team leaders

Team members (lone workers)

With an Onside Teams subscription, anyone added to an enabled team will have the overdue functionality mentioned here. When they go overdue, their Team Leaders are made aware. Team members will also need to advise how long they expect to be on a property for during their check-in.

To set up your teams, try this guide.

Company Admins

Company Admins have visibility and access to everything on the account, this includes everything the Team Leaders and Property Admins can access, as well as control over which staff members are added to the company, the company name, document storage, billing, and end of day notifications.

They only receive risk and incident, and End of day notifications if they have ticked the options ticked in 'Company Settings' (click your initials or picture in the top right of the page and select Company Settings.

Add more admins from your Company Settings page too.

You must be a company admin to make other staff company admins. 

Company Settings - admins

If you have any questions or need any help, you can reach us on 0800 ONSIDE (NZ), 1800 112334 (AU), or email Support@onside.co

Click here to provide feedback, or if you have an idea for an improvement to Onside, you can add it directly to our product board.