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  2. Updating your account information

How do I update my Onside profile?

Updating your personal profile in Onside

You can change any of your account details you signed up with, except your email address. Currently, Onside uses your email address as the information to uniquely identify you, because of this, it cannot be changed. A new profile would need to be created (more on this here).

Adding a profile image

Tap the 'Me' icon in the bottom of the app, then tap the profile image option in the top left to update it. You'll then be able to take a photo, or choose from an existing one saved on your phone.

Me tab         Me - edit

Editing my profile details

Personal info

From the 'Me' tab in the bottom of the app, tap on 'My profile'.

From here you can;

  • Edit your name
  • Update your phone number







Via the web portal

Log in to your web portal via our website and click your initials or user image in the top right of the page, then 'Profile'.


From here you can;

  • Edit your name
  • Update your phone number
  • Disable your weekly property reports (if you're an admin of a property)
  • Choose to receive emails when assigned tasks
  • Add a profile image

If you need to change your email address, we suggest simply adding yourself to the team of your property again, with your new email (if you have admin access).

Otherwise, if you manage the account, click 'Community' in the sidemenu, then 'Internal'. Add yourself with the new email address, then click the 'Settings' tab and add yourself to become a Company Admin (access to everything on the account). Then it's just a case of removing your old user.


If you have any questions or need any help, you can reach us on 0800 ONSIDE (NZ), 1800 112334 (AU), or email Support@onside.co

Click here to provide feedback, or if you have an idea for an improvement to Onside, you can add it directly to our product board.