Managing your risk (hazard) register
With Onside, adding a risk is quick and easy, ready for your visitors to view. You can even copy your risks across properties to save time!
Check out this video to see how easy it is to set up your risk register, or follow the steps below.
Your Risk dashboard
Once you sign in to your Onside website portal, click the 'Health & Safety' then 'Risks' option in the side-menu to see all risks associated with your company.
If you have an Onside Teams subscription, this dashboard will include risks your staff have recorded on any Onside property.
With the Risk dashboard you'll be able to filter risks by selecting the 'Pending', 'Unmitigated', 'Mitigating', 'Minimised', and 'Eliminated' cards along the top of the screen, and then filter further if required and download a report based on that.
Under the filters you can also sort by column titles, change the risk status and, from the 3-dot button to the right, you can copy and delete the risk.
Manage a risk
- Click on the individual risk from your Risk dashboard, or click here to follow the property-level risk process.
- Newly recorded incidents will show with an orange "Pending" status. There are also "Unmitigated", "Mitigating", "Minimised", and "Eliminated" statuses available.
- The risks will be broken down into 3 sections:
- Details - Information about the location and details of the risk.
- Management - The severity, status, and optionally, the expiry date.
- Action - Identifying actions that are being taken on the property to reduce the chance of an incident happening with this risk, as well as intended actions. You can then assign those actions as tasks to staff too.
- Read through the information of the risk and update details as required. Some fields will be mandatory to have information added, such as property, category, and details.
- When you've been able to put actions in place to eliminate a risk, change the status to 'Eliminated' so you have a record of it in your reports.
Risk alerts and reminders
When an risk is recorded or created, the property admins and company admins will receive an email and Onside app notification.
If you approve a risk while someone is checked in to your property, they will also receive a notification from the Onside app.
Property-level risk management
If you'd like to focus on just one property when managing your risks, you can also go directly to that property in your web portal and work from there, rather than the full overview of risks in your account on the Risk dashboard.
1. Getting started
After logging into your Onside web portal and clicking on your property ('Properties', then 'Managed Properties'), click on the green 'Add' button.

Under 'Risk Templates', select your industry and there will be a variety of fully editable pre-filled risk suggestions we've put together to help make adding risks easier. Here you will find the most common risks for your property type.
Review the information of the category, title, and safety information of the risk to ensure it will suit people checking in to your property.
Missing a risk? Check to see if it’s under one of the other industries. Alternatively, you can create a risk from scratch too, simply skip the template section.
2. Images
This step is also optional but images naturally stick with us longer, so your visitors and contractors are much more likely to remember it. When you take your photos, remember to take them in landscape style. This suits the photo format best. Add up to 3 photos per risk.
- Click 'Add image…'
- Select the folder you would like to upload a image from.
- Select a image and click 'open'.
- Adjust the image to suit.
- Click 'Done'.
3. Supporting files
Add up to 5 files, like a photo or document, to support your risk.
The files will be available to anyone checking in to your property.
Max 5 files per risk. Each file can be no larger than 20MB
4. Risk Management
The Risk Management section is completely internal to your team. Only the property or company admins will be able to access this information. It's used to keep track of the ongoing actions you are actively undertaking to manage the risk and reduce an incident from occurring.
- You can use the 'Temporary Risk Expiry Date' to create risks which will eliminate themselves from the risk register at a date set by you, great for short-term risks for example. If a risk will stay on the property, skip this step.
- You can change the 'Consequence' or 'Exposure Likelihood' for the risk, click on the drop down arrow next to each category.
- The 'Severity Rating' is based on the combination of Consequence and Exposure Likelihood. If you're not sure which level you should put or how it's calculated, click here to find out more.
- Add 'Management Actions' by clicking 'Add Another action'. These actions are important for your risk reports. Each action should be a new line and you are actively ticking them as you're able to complete them.
- Once you've added all of the information you need for the risk, choose 'Unmitigated' if you have no actions in place and 'Minimised' if you do. Selecting 'Eliminated' will remove the risk from your risk register all together.
5. Risk location or area
Placing a risk on the map is optional, so you can choose not to put a location and simply click 'Save' to create your risk, which then creates a "Property-wide risk". These will be displayed to the visitor after tapping the 'Site Wide' button when checking in. Keep in mind when choosing how you want the risk displayed, risks shown on the map are given more attention.
Alternatively, placing a risk on the map is very easy to do;
- Once you have added all of your risk information, click the
icon to pinpoint risks or
to draw a risk area.
- Click on the map where you would like the risk location to be. You can add as many points as you need by clicking the "add point" option and placing it on the map.
If you use the Draw tool, you'll need to click on your starting point to finish the shape. - Click 'Save'.
To map risks for rivers or powerlines, we suggest doing this. Add points along one side, then cross over and continue on the other. Return to the first point to finish.
As soon as you create, edit, or approve a risk, it will notify the other Property Admins as well as any visitors currently checked in.
If you have eliminated or dismissed any risks, you can see them from the View History button in the risk register of your property in your Onside web portal.
When risks are dismissed, you'll also be able to see why and by whom in the history too. The person who reported the risk will also be notified via email it has been dismissed and why.
Adding and approving risks from my phone
While most admin actions are done via your web portal, it is also mobile friendly, so you can do this on the go too. Take a look at the video below to see how you can add and approve risks without your computer.
How are the risks ordered in the reports?
We have risks broken into 3 categories first, showing in order;
- No risk management actions
- Risk management actions
- Eliminated risks
Within each of these categories, they're then organised by potential for most harm (severity), then of that, newest to oldest.
If you have any questions or need any help, you can reach us on 0800 ONSIDE (NZ), 1800 112334 (AU), or email